Friday, May 29, 2015

Part 3: Chapter 20-29 Question 1

What would you do if you were involved in the Reston operation and you saw one of the
monkeys escape its cage?


  1. If this was like any sci-fi movie I would lock down the perimeters of the lab to keep the monkey inside. The only thing to do then is to grab the monkey before the monkey grabs someone. I would bring a weapon just in case the monkey does grab someone. That is pretty much it. I would be terrified too, but I wouldn't want to stand around with a dangerous monkey. I could probably bait it with food or try to coax it into a different cage. Everyone would need to take caution because the monkey would be scared too. I would try to do the same thing Jaax tried to do "[find] a catching net... the safest procedure to... capture the monkey with the net" (Preston, 1994). These monkeys were subjected into a cage, so they are terrified of humans. A tranquilizer might do the job, or bait with sleeping pills. I don't know why I would be involved in this operation in the lab; I'd rather watch from the outside. Having a huge chance of death near isn't the greatest thing to spend one's life. It is good for science, but I am terrified to something that I can't kill by myself. I would have made sure these monkeys were in their proper places and have a tiny bubbled room for the monkeys to go around.

    1. Helen does have a point in making the first step to secure the perimeter of the entire facility. In addition, there are several ways that this can be done, but not all will be effective. For example, a simple fence would not be enough to hold back all of the escapees. The moneys would easily be able to climb over the fence and get to the other side. In this case, many men would have to be placed at each section of the perimeter. These men would shoot any monkey that attempts to climb over the fence. Killing it or simply putting it to sleep is the official’s decision to make (Preston, 1994).

      Preston, R. (1994). The Hot Zone. New York: Random House.

  2. I do agree with Helen and Kimberly, but as Kimberly has stated I don't think i would shoot the monkey, but I'd make sure that it gets captured that it can be tranquilized. I would be very terrified if I see something like that approaching me and I wouldn't know what to do. So safety measures should be taken beforehand something like this happens. I would instead make a brick wall and put the monkeys inside that and make sure that there is a window high above ground level and a door for scientists to enter. The windows and doors will have grills on them so that the monkey's cannot escape.
