Friday, May 29, 2015

Part 3: Chapter 20-29 Question 12

Describe all the human contacts you have had since you got up this morning. In case of a
dangerous exposure, how would you begin the process of contacting them and maybe
quarantining them?


  1. From the moment I woke up this morning, up to this exact moment, I have come into contact with approximately 14 people. On the way to school this morning, I came into contact with my brother, sister, mom, and dad. Then, I gave about ten of my friends at school either a handshake, fist bump, or high five. When I got back home from school, I again hugged and kissed my brother, sister, mom, and dad. If I would have had a lethal and highly contagious virus like Ebola at the moment of contact with all of these individuals, then they may be too infected. In this case, I am the catalyst of a deadly and dangerous exposure of the Ebola virus strain. The process of contacting all of these individuals is not the difficult part; keeping them calm and obedient to further instructions is. All of the individuals would have to be exposed to the news of possible infection in person and in a place isolated from the public. The people specialized in the process of quarantining individuals would be right outside and be ready to take my friends/family to the quarantining units. This step would be easy or difficult, depending on how they took the news and if they are resisting being taken away to the quarantining unit. All that would be left is making sure that they are fairly treated and taken care of. The most difficult part would be maintaining the friendships and ensuring that they do not feel abhor me after what I have done to them.

  2. Ok, so you have come into with 14 people...and those 14 people will have come into contact with another 10-15 people at least in their day. What is usually done about this? Examine the protocol in place for establishing quarantine. Is it after exposure that potential contacts are notified or if the person shows symptoms?

    1. The people that the initial 14 people come into contact with must also be quarantined. They mustn’t be allowed to further the spread of the deadly pathogen. All of these potential contacts must be called and quarantined immediately. The worst thing to do is allow time for symptoms to occur and show up. By then, it would be too late, since many more individuals would have come into contact and gotten infected. According to Centers for Disease Control Prevention, if someone or anyone finds out about individuals that may have a quarantinable disease, a federal isolation or quarantine order must be activated immediately (Legal Authorities for Isolation and Quarantine, 2014).

      Legal Authorities for Isolation and Quarantine. (2014, October 8). Retrieved June 11, 2015, from

  3. Another way to quarantine people would be to trick them. It is not the most moral way to do it, but perhaps the most safest and easiest. As humans we are greedy when it comes to our lives, most of the time. To stop the spread of anywhere shut down all transport. Then, it would be time to trick whichever humans may be infected. If the humans were to realize what was going on, the army must step in to help contain the infection. People can be tricked with an exercise drill probably. Tricking people will be much safer as they will not run ,and go into hiding to then infect more.
