Friday, May 29, 2015

Part 3: Chapter 20-29 Question 8

What are the symptoms of monkeys that contract the virus and die? Did they compare to
the Ebola victims? Describe.


  1. Dibs - Papi Chulo aka Josh

  2. Dibs - Papi Chulo aka Josh

  3. Ebola has been one of the most dangerous, emerging viruses. The reason why it's so effective in humans is because it seems as if it doesn't even have to completely change and seemingly infect humans because the symptoms between monkeys infected with ebola and humans effected with ebola are almost exactly the same. This reveals how and what the ebola virus attacks a body (animal and human). In monkeys, it is possible for them to develop symptoms like vomiting, fever, diarrhea, or weight loss: "Monkeys developed fever, ..., weight loss, diarrhea, and skin rashes" (D. S. Ellis, E. T. Bowen, D. I. Simpson, and S. Stamford). Some monkeys affected by ebola also spew blood or other substances through openings of their bodies: "Nancy noticed mucus and slime on the noses of some of the monkeys" (Preston 297). This is extremely similar to the effects of ebola on humans. The most common observed symptoms in humans involve weight loss, fever, diarrhea, skin rash, and chest pain: "Sudden onset of fever... weight loss... chest pain, skin rash, and diarrhea" (Tara K. Harper). It is also observed that humans secrete liquids through openings of their bodies (ex. nostrils, mouth, eyes, etc.). This is also how human to human contractions of the virus are possible. But, observations have proven the eery comparison of symptoms in monkeys and humans. Another comparison that can be observed is the lifespan of monkeys and humans with ebola. Humans who can not recover usually last about 13 - 21 days. It has been observed that some monkeys "[were] killed on day 12" (D. S. Ellis, E. T. Bowen, D. I. Simpson, and S. Stamford), which is almost similar to a human lifespan with ebola.
